As a lāhui we must come together to support our movement. Please view different Naitve Hawaiian nonprofit organizations from list below.
If you are a Native Hawaiian nonprofit and want to be featured on our list, please email us at ainamomona1893@gmail.com
Mauna Kea Education and Awareness
The mission of Maunakea Education & Awareness is to educate and raise the awareness of communities in Hawai’i and beyond on the spiritual, historical, cultural, environmental, and political significance of Mauna Kea and ALL sacred places.
Aloha Kuamoʻo Aina
Aloha Kuamoʻo ʻĀina offers a critical and special place in Kona for ʻŌiwi youth and all families across their island to deepen their cultural and spiritual ties to the land.
Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture
To improve the quality of life for Native Hawaiians through community partnerships that provide educational opportunities and promote self-sufficiency.
Pōhāhā i Ka Lani builds upon nearly two decades of the organization’s land stewardship and revitalization efforts in Waipiʻo Valley, helping to ensure that the wahi pana thrives with native plants and deepens the relationship between residents and visitors helping to mālama ʻāina.
Ke Ea Hawaii
Ke Ea Hawaiʻi is an inter-scholastic student council composed of elected student leaders from Hawaiian-focused charter schools.
Keaukaha Community Association
Kalauokekahuli supports Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander birthing people by providing culturally based prenatal, birth, and postpartum support and education.
We provide services to enhance the quality of life and to address health disparities, especially obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Maku‘u Farmers Association
Maku`u Farmers Association (MFA) is governed by a group of dynamic, Native Hawaiians who strive to put the needs of the community and its association first.
Our mission is to perpetuate the Kanaka Maoli traditional and customary lifestyle of Keʻanae-Wailuanui. Encompassing nearly 400 acres of loʻi, it was renowned for taro farming until commercial stream diversions completely dewatered the area.
Aha Moku o Kaupō
To incorporate appropriate Native Hawaiian knowledge and protocols for the preservation, cultivation, and management of all Native Hawaiian natural and cultural resources for future generations.
Mālama Kakanilua is presently engaged in direct action resistance/protection of ʻiwi kūpuna, and aims to stop the Grand Wailea Resort from constructing 151 hotel units, swimming pools, new wings, and injection wells in known Kanaka Maoli burial grounds.
Paukukalo Hawaiian Homes Community Association
Preserving all of our historical places and archeological places of interest.
Through our educational programs, the Hawaiian community of Maui Nui reconnect with their heritage of seafaring, deepen in their cultural identity, and learn about career opportinities on the ocean.
We are the kanaka maoli of the ili of Waiehu Kou, a united self reliant community who live, work, and play together in a safe environment.
Kalamaula was the first Hawaiian homestead community developed in 1921 as a demonstration community after the establishment of the Hawaiian Homes Act.
Hui o Kuapā is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1989 for the purpose of supporting Native Hawaiian fishpond restoration, education & research.
Kuhialoko, located at Waiawa Kai, Oʻahu, educates and works to restore the land and the species connected to its health while bringing families together to strengthen their relationships with each other, their community, and the surrounding environment.
Aha Wahine Kuhinapapa
ʻAha Wāhine Kūhinapapa gathers wahine to inspire, inquire, invest, and invigorate each other with ʻike, aloha, and kuleana.
Aha Kukaniloko Koa Mana mea ola kanaka mauli
Perpetuation of our traditional Hawaiian comprehension of our family’s inheritance “to guard the kapu of Kukaniloko because we love them for all time . . . .” as this relates to the 36,000 acres of Lihue, Wahiawa, Halemano . . . kalana Kukaniloko.
Kāko‘o ‘Ōiwi
We are interested in preserving and perpetuating the history, heritage and culture of Native Hawaiians through sustainable agriculture, environmental restoration, food security, and maintaining cultural practices and ocean resources.
Koa Ike
Koa Ike’s mission is dedicated to the advancement of all peoples in Ko Hawai‘i Pae Aina to perpetuate the traditions of kanaka maoli in efforts to achieve a quality of life that is pono for the people of Hawai‘i
Lahui Kaka‘ikahi
It is our mission to provide Native Hawawiians with hand-on training in the construction industry.
Menehune Foundation
The Mission of the Foundation - To cultivate, manage, and supports programs that perpetuate the Native Hawaiian community and its culture.
Native Hawaiian Church
Protect, promote, and preserve native Hawaiian religious, cultural, and spiritual practices and traditions related to the people of old.
Papakōlea Community Development Corporation
We are interested in economic development and professional/career development on native land.
Na Moku Aupuni O Koʻolau Hui
Nā Moku Aupuni o Ko’olau Huiʻs mission is to perpetuate the Kanaka Maoli traditional and customary lifestyle of Keʻanae-Wailuanui.
Ko‘olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club
Our organization is dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of Hawaiian culture, history, and heritage in the Ko‘olaupoko area between Kane‘ohe and Kualoa.
Mahu Ohana
To Protect and preserve places our kupuna lived, fished, grew kalo, ginger and are buried. To be stewards of our iwi kupuna. Our kuleana is from Kaena Point to Waimea Valley and from Waialua to Ewa, including Schofield.
Na Ohana o Puaoi a me Hanawahine
We want to preserve our homestead lands so that our culture, history, burial grounds, historical places, language, etc. are kept safe for my ohana and many others.
Pacific Justice & Reconciliation Center
Our organization provides education, advocacy, and promotion of healing traditions, including hooponopono, hookuikahi, and the restoration from political injustices.
The Friends of Hokule‘a and Hawai‘iloa
Focus…perpetuating Hawaiian traditions and values by teaching preservation and development of canoe building - to improve understanding and appreciation for this unique Hawaiian heritage, for any person interested in learning.
Hānai Kaiāulu is a student-led non-profit organization dedicated to reducing food waste through bokashi composting, food recovery and education.
Focus, Native Hawaiian community - nurturing and perpetuating of traditional male roles and responsibilities that contribute to the physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being of Hawaiian males, their families and communities.
‘Ahahui Siwila Hawai‘i O Kapōlei
We are committed to the protection and preservation of historical places, endangered native flora and fauna. The protection and repatriation of our kupuna iwi. The preservation of Hawaiian Cultural, Language, oli, na mele, and the health and well being of native Hawaiians.
Kalihi Palama Hawaiian Civic Club
Strong advocate for improved welfare of Native Hawaiians in culture, health, economic development, education, housing, social welfare, nationhood, supporting and defending Native Hawaiian rights.
Kula no na Po‘e Hawaii
We work to improve the health and well-being of the residents of the Native Hawaiian Homestead communities of Kewalo, Kalawahine, and Papakolea. Our work is in health and education which encompasses culture, language and social services.
Mana Health Services, Inc.
Mana Health Services, Inc. (MHS) is a Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO) established to provide healthcare, community and economic development for Native Hawaiians and kama‘aina communities across the islands of Hawai‘i, U.S.
Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce
NHCC’s mission is to connect and strengthen Native Hawaiian businesses, communities and professions by building on a foundation of relationships, resources, and Hawaiian values.
PA‘I Foundation
Preserving and Perpetuating Native Hawaiian Arts and Culture for Future Generations.
Waimānalo Hawaiian Homes Association
The purpose is to protect the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, and to improve the quality of life, school, health, church, and welfare of the homestead residents of Waimānalo.
EAO Hawaii Inc. preserves and cherishes all sources and records of ancient Hawaiian Traditional, Customs, Language, and Historic Health and Welfare of the Hawaiian Islands and its people, those of Native Hawaiian ancestry (Kanaka Maoli).
I Ola Wailuanui
I Ola Wailuanui, a community organization led by Kauaʻi residents, was surprised to hear the land where the former Coco Palms Hotel once stood is quickly moving to public auction
Na Mookupuna O Wailua
Protection of ahupuaa lineal descendant and native tenant rights and interest in the Wailua Ahupuaa.
We are interested in the protection and preservation of all aspects of Hawaiian culture, and to integrate the knowledge and protocols of our kūpuna for the preservation, cultivation, and management of all cultural and natural resources on Kaua‘i.
We are a Ohana of Cultural Religious Practitioners, the Descendants of Hawaiians who inhabited the Hawaiian Islands prior to 1778, here to restore and protect our Sacred Historic Cultural sites and resources.